Unknown Studio Gallery

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  • Balloons Series

  • Abstract

  • oil on canvas 26x48

  • 10-10

  • Inconnu's 2023

Balloons Original No. 1

Over Drifted Overflow Overlapped

Balloons of a Original party, the party Over Drifted, if you are on the list, you can catch its drift, and extras no worries nothing can ruin the party; or you might find out to late, with its Original guests in the list, the party can support a Overflow; for the music to take you in the Vinyl Groove; with a Vinyl Groove End; only Original Music is supported, same goes for Original No. 1 not to be reproduced copied or imitated, or you might find out you did Your Party All Wrong, and the Original party goes on! As for the Hearts, Diamonds, and Stars can always be around the party even if the party is all over the Balloons deflate slowly, to have another surprise in a constant Over Drifted Overflow Overlapped State of the art party...

Balloons on vinyl groove

The Love That Brought You Here;

The Love that Brought You Here Something that brought you attention, something made you look, something you been looking for, what brought you here is something you know you don’t want to miss a second of it, what brought you here is somewhere between looking at you and thinking about you, while feeling you, something that brought you here undeniable, the feeling that brought here, might remind you of something, might make you forget something, but what brought you here was something you felt before, something that makes you move, a feeling of desire with something else your lips don’t want to say it, while that feeling rest somewhere don’t forget not to miss another second. The feeling that brought you here, its always there, feelings living below a face that keeps her secrets locked, not to touch them, not to leave them wide open, not to let someone read them or it will the end of this pretty face, the feelings that don’t let you go away that easy, brought you here once, the feeling that bringing you here once again, the love that brought you here…

Soon Poetry Collection...

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Hollywood Hills Cloud's


Pages of poems of Chocolate No. 1

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Melodies from the Black and White Piano

Short Novel coming soon!

Charcoal on paper

New Charcoal on paper Untitled

This will be some of the art that will be used for The Black and White Piano [Short Novel]

Inconnu; Introductory Oil on Canvas

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Inconnu’s Clipboard

Charcoal on paper

Inconnu’s Clipboard is a collection of drawings using Charcoal on paper in different types of art movements, or new concepts.

The drawings are narrowed down to the very root of the movement/concept leaving just the of the essence of the movement but at the same time leaving the deepness of the movement for later on to understand the drawing playing with the art movement.

Clipboard drawings are composed for the drawing to make a mental image of the art movement or concept, that the drawing will play with the art movement as you get to understand the drawing...

For you observe the drawing behind the glass frame playing with the art movement in many different ways its always going to look different every time you look at it.

Acrylic on paper

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Inconnu's Paintings

Detail catalogue of Inconnu's paintings

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